Hi, I’m Dr. Rachel McClain

Years ago, the thought of juicing seemed repulsive to me. I would watch my mother create juices out of vegetables and fruits and I couldn’t fathom the taste. At that time the colors were unattractive to me and didn’t look drinkable. Not only that but the process of juicing seemed taxing and long. Fast forward to 2021 when I got the Nama J2 which eliminated the time it took to juice. When I decided to post my first juicing video on Instagram, it was not because I thought anyone would be interested, but because I loved my juicer so much. It was that video that pushed me into such a deeper journey of juicing and its benefits.

Being a Doctor of Pharmacy has benefited me in so many levels since I know how prescription drugs work and their effects on the body. I can now take that knowledge and look at how each plant, fruit, and herb really affects the body from a pharmaceutical angle. I am amazed daily by how God created all of these amazing products that can truly change our health. I now desire to showcase juicing in all its beauty and benefits. Juicing can be fun! When you dress up the juices in a beautiful glass it makes the experience even better. I am excited to have you join me on this incredible journey.

“2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Rev 22:2